HM - The Hague Marriott
HM stands for The Hague Marriott
Here you will find, what does HM stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate The Hague Marriott? The Hague Marriott can be abbreviated as HM What does HM stand for? HM stands for The Hague Marriott. What does The Hague Marriott mean?The Netherlands based company is located in The Hague, Zuid-Holland engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of HM
- Hazardous Materials
- Her Majesty's
- Her Majesty's
- Heard and McDonald Islands
- Honorable Mention
- Harvest Moon
- Hair Multiplication
- Hard Music
View 206 other definitions of HM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HLG High Lantern Group
- HMP Hyundai Motor Poland
- HMS Hutto Middle School
- HQLMC HQ Lamps Manufacturing Company
- HGKW The Heyl Group at Keller Williams
- HTCPL Huawei Telecommunications Co. Pvt. Ltd.
- HK House of Kaizen
- HMH Humber Mental Health
- HIPL Health Impetus Pvt Ltd
- HHCL Hammond Hanlon Camp LLC
- HPN Housing Partnership Network
- HSMC Hang Seng Management College
- HDE Hawaii Department Education
- HSI Holiday Systems International
- HBHC Honey Baked Ham Co
- HHHC Heart to Heart Home Care
- HRDTCH Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center Hotel
- HIHCC Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center
- HCC Hampshire Chamber of Commerce
- HCA Horizon Christian Academy